Clinical Sites
Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Institute of trauma's emergency department is a state-of-the-art facility that features 116 emergency beds. It is unique because we have ten ventilators in our department dedicated to trauma patients only. The facility has three principal
trauma rooms well equipped for surgical procedures during resuscitation of critical trauma patients in the emergency department, one critical care bay, i.e., Bay 1, having a capacity of 16
beds, one stable patient bay with 18 beds. We have a separate Bay for surgical patients, i.e., surgical assessment unit, minor injury room with a capacity of 3 patients, dedicated P.O.P. room.
Inside the E.D., there is an u/s room for urgent E-fast, an ECHO room, a C.T. scan machine, a dedicated Oro maxillofacial room for managing facial and oral injuries.
Other services include 24-hour interpreters, 24-hour radiologist support with mobile and departmental X-ray services in the department, 24-hour laboratory, pharmacy services, and
many other support services necessary for busy trauma emergency department. We also have a dedicated Medico-Legal department.
The Department of Emergency is committed to delivering exceptional education to faculty, residents, medical students, medical officers, and physician extenders. We also offer clinical
electives for medical students. All our doctors, staff nurses, E.R. physicians, and consultants are B.L.S. or B.L.S. equivalent certified.
And senior faculty is ACLS and ATLS certified.